
where were you when I was still kind

(november 1)

I will avoid saying the things that come to mind

In effort to drum up some miniscule portion of creativity.

I am afraid of love.

I willingly capture it so eagerly with my weaker left palm

But my stronger right arm londs it closer but will not grasp.

Do you know what it’s like to sit on the edge

And hate it

And not be able to move

where were you when I was softer

like spring leaves on tender branches

dreaming of the day someone would be able to understand my thoughts and forced poetic predispositions.

now there is space for healing (and that is good)

but with the spaces comes miles and miles of distance from the inner workings of my brain 

which is continually filled by the hum of other human bodies around mine in close proximity 

(but not too close, we are still in a pandemic, after all)

now I eat salted lime tortilla chips on my bed and wish that I had had bought fruit instead. 

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